Kamis, 25 April 2013


In modern epoch everyone wanna be perfect in everything. Gadget, style, ect. Indonesian will not be left behind also, many foreign product imported by advance country. When Korean wave attack other country life, many people follow Korean style. 

Do you know cosmetic? I don't think so, every girls so pretty with her make up. Glamor and trendy make ugly duck be beautiful swan. Competition of cosmetic's industry so hard, even in Indonesia. Internal cosmetic competes with other country cosmetic, look at modern market. As costumer we must choose good one and benefit.

Men cosmetic, have you hear it? yeah cosmetic order to men only. From shampoo, soap, ect. Several Indonesian men uses cosmetic also. I believe this news, because several friend use cosmetic. Face cosmetic is most used. I don't understand how and what for it. Maybe other people mindset if them face is precious asset.

Many cosmetic for men sale in modern market. Metrosexual is one trend in this year, many foreign influence like South Korea style. Are you one of them? seldom cosmetic not compatible for our skin, we life in tropical climate.  

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