Sabtu, 20 April 2013


Hi Amigo! how are you? Kumaha damang? I guess you fine. Here we go learn Sunda language again. This opportunity I want teach about number. Check this out!

Sunda : Indonesia : English

Hiji : Satu : One
Dua : Dua : Two
Tilu : Tiga : Three
Opat : Empat : Four
Lima : Lima : Five
Genap / Genep : Enam : Six
Tujuh : Tujuh : Seven
Dalapan : Delapan : Eight
Salapan : Sembilan : Nine
Sapuluh : Sepuluh : Ten

Example :
1. Asep tilem ti jam hiji nepikeun ka ayeuna (Asep is sleeping from one o'clock till now)
2. Sabaraha pangaosna dua hayam ieu? (How much this two chickens?)
3. Tilu imah nu di Bandung teh mani sarae (three houses in Bandung so beautiful)
4. Dina tangkal buah aya opat manuk (on Mango's tree there are four birds)
5. Abdi gaduh lima ramo (I have five fingers)
6. Euis emam jeruk genap siki (Euis ates six oranges)
7. Otong gaduh putra tujuh (Otong has seven sons)
8. Dalapan mobil aya di payuneun bumi abdi (Eight cars parking in front of my house)
9. Edi nambut salapan buku ti perpustakaan (Edi borrows nine library's books)
10. Sapuluh murid nuju arameng bola (Ten students are playing ball)

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